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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Tips - 2 Weight Loss Exercises That Work Like a Charm

I'm sure by now you are well aware that weight loss exercises take time, effort and money in some cases. What you may not be aware of is that the other side of the coin is also true. Exercise can be easy, free and fun.

That is exactly the 2 weight loss exercises that I am going to show you that work like a charm and the best part is that it won't cost you an arm and a leg.

Weight Loss Exercise #1

Running up the stairs. If you are living in an apartment, condo or a 2 story house, then this exercise is for you. Make this exercise fun by finding an exercise buddy to do this with you for 10 to 15 minutes a day. Have a competition like who can climb up to the 10th story first sort of stuff so that it is more fun doing this exercise.

The reason why many people quit exercise is because it is pure boring so if you can make it fun, you will be able to keep doing it.

Weight Loss Exercise #2

The next exercise I want to introduce to you is jumping jacks. This exercise can be done at the comfort of your home and what you need to do is only 20 counts of jumping jacks each set. Try to aim at doing 3 sets each day and you are on the way to destroy some fat on your body.

The above 2 exercises really work like a charm so start using them to destroy some unwanted fat!

For More Related Topics Blog: Dottis Weightloss Zone

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