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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fast Results Weight Loss - Cheat Your Way Thin

Fast results weight loss is what Cheat Your Way Thin is all about. This program shows you how adding a weekly "Cheat Day" to your dieting week actually increases your weight loss.

Cheat Your Way Thin is a complete weight loss system by former Body for Life Champion, Joel Marion. It is the method he used to beat 1000's of other contestants in the body transformation competition and he has now refined it into a practical plan that is allowing the ordinary Joe and Jane to transform their body fast.

In the past there was a problem when someone strove for fast results weight loss and that problem was how to keep the metabolism high enough to continue to see progress on the scale.

Old fashion quick weight loss methods usually involved dramatically reducing calories, this would result in a plummeting metabolism and since metabolism is what causes fat burning, results dropped off significantly if not stopping all together.

So there was a need for a better approach, one that could keep the metabolism raised while still losing weight and the answer appears to be cheating. By dieting and reducing your calorie intake for 6 days of the week and then cheating on day 7 you lose weight and keep your fat burning potential.

What does a cheat day look like? Whatever you want or have a craving for you can have on that day. Are you hungry for pancakes in the morning, have them and then how about pizza or a burger and fries; how about topping that of with a delicious dessert of cake and ice cream. This day is a day to boost your metabolism and satisfy every craving.

Doesn't sound possible? Cheat Your Way Thin is the best way to lose weight fast and it has been proven in countless research articles and thousands of real life case studies. I encourage you to give this program a fair evaluation. There is not a more livable, practical and doable program out there for fast results weight loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Much Should I Eat To Lose Weight

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