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Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Find a Local Weight Loss Center Easily

Are you overweight and looking for a way to cut down your excess fat? If you are, have you ever thought of joining one? Joining a fat loss center can be devastating if you don't know the way out. Don't worry. This article will give you some easy and less frustrating ways to get any local center that you want.

But first, What Are Local Weight Loss Centers?

Most commonly, weight loss centers are used to describe weight programs, where you attend group meetings at the centers. This may be weekly or biweekly. You however need to pay some money before you become a member. Now that you know exactly what weight loss centers are, you are better prepared to go out finding one, using the below guide lines.


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Diet and Weight Loss Tips!

Here are some EFFECTIVE diet and weight loss tips that will get you on track FAST. Look, if you're unhappy about how you look, then you need to just take that first step to get the ball rolling. Take 2 minutes to read this article to learn about a few ways you can take charge of your body and lose weight almost immediately.

Diet and Weight Loss Tips

1. Whatever you do, eat breakfast and make sure there's plenty of protein in it

The biggest mistake I see people making is they skip breakfast. The next biggest mistake is they eat breakfast, but it's all processed garbage with tons of sugars and carbs in it. The last one is people eat a light breakfast.

If there's ever a meal to eat big, go with breakfast. Eat a big breakfast and then small meals for the rest of the day. Don't save your big meal for dinner. BIG MISTAKE!

I recommend a breakfast that has eggs in it, maybe some black beans, and 1-2 pieces of fruit. Make me a happy camper and just try that out for 10 days. Get on the scale before you start and at day 10 as well. YOU'RE WELCOME.

2. Rinse yourself with cold water after each shower

Do this for 15 seconds. Yeah, it feels like torture. But it's worth it if you want to lose weight. This is the quickest way to induce fat burning thermogenesis. Some things are not meant to be pleasant, but they're effective. So you put up with them anyway. This is one of those things.

These 2 diet and weight loss tips are proven and RUTHLESSLY effective... do them.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Food List That Promotes Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight then you need the food list that promotes weight loss. Most people do not recognize eating certain foods actually help promote weight loss. By eating right, and by that we are talking eating healthy food choices, you can begin to see weight dissolve from your body with the least amount of effort exerted from you. That is so cool, lose weight by eating, who would have though t that would work?

Since the body is 75% water, eating foods such as fruit, does a double benefit for your body. Fruit supplies juices from the fruit and the fruit contain nutrients essential to good health. Fruit is your body's friend, so share the fruit with your body and watch it thank you naturally by dropping those pounds.

Foods that will cause natural fat loss are the type of foods that taste good and are good for you as well. Not all recommended diets use natural and raw foods to assist you like those supplied by mother nature. Why would you second guess nature itself?

Just knowing the list of foods that actually promote fat loss is a fresh approach to weight loss all natural. There are numerous attempts to tell you what to eat, how to eat, and when to eat, but nothing is better than having an aggressive list of fat fighting foods to help you accomplish your weight loss goal.

Choosing from fruits, meats, melons, and vegetables where you can create your own recipes and combine these energy foods to replace your old habit foods is easier than you would think. No more tofu and rice diets here, if it tastes good and it's on the list, it's a good thing to do for you.

To learn all about what foods promote weight loss, you would be wise to read more now. Obesity is at a rampant pace and needlessly, when you have these choices available to pick the foods that benefit you so easily.

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How to Buy a Weight Loss Product - A Consumer's Guide

If you want to buy weight loss product, you can drop by a pharmacy and check on the best brands in available, or even shop online. But remember that weight loss products have different ingredients and different side effects. So before deciding to buy them, make sure you are well informed.

Types of weight loss products

If you want to buy weight loss product, make sure you know how they are classified so you know what is best for you. They can be in the form of burners, blockers, or appetite suppressors. Some makers even combine two or all of these in one product. Here is a guide:


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Saturday, September 28, 2013

10 Fat Weight Loss Tips Tips For Eating More Veggies

Are there easy tips to help me lose weight faster with Veggies?

1. Instead of a soda or Diet soda at 3 PM, have a V8 or tomato juice. It's healthier and more filling

2. Make your vegetables taste better. You can drizzle maple syrup over carrots or sweet potatoes or add onions or chopped nuts to green beans. Be creative.

3. Do you like beans? Mix 3 different types of beans with some diet Italian dressing. Then save and eat this all week. Tastes good and great fiber content.

4. Vegetable soup also counts as a vegetable. Try not to have too much pasta in your vegetable soup.

5. Rediscover the great taste of sweet potato. Believe it or not, sweet potato is healthier and doesn't contain more calories than a regular potato. 1 small sweet potato has 54 calories, while a small regular potato contains 57 calories.

6. You can use prebagged baby spinach everywhere as lettuce in sandwiches, soups, wilted in hot pasta and added to salads to get your greens and veggies.

7. You can use prebagged lettuce for a fast addition to any sandwich or salad that you can eat at home or at work.

8. If you are pressed for time, you can spend the extra money to buy veggies that are already washed and cut up.

9. Do you really hate veggies? But you love fruits? Then eat plenty of fruit during the day. Eat the colorful ones like, oranges, melons. If you are a diabetic then you need to watch your intake of fruits as they have their natural sugars that can raise the blood sugar. Try to find a few veggies that you like.

10. Keep at least 7 bags of your favorite frozen vegetables on hand. You can mix and match them in any combination and microwave them. If you want to add your favorite low-fat dressing, that would work. Mrs. Dash has many different spices to get your food and veggies rocking.

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Calorie Counting for Weight Loss and Ongoing Healthy Living

If you are trying to lose weight or maintain it, calorie counting does not mean everything, but it's hard for you to succeed if you don't ever do it. The leaders of many diet and weight loss programs boast that they don't require calorie counting, but the truth is, regardless of the types of food you eat, for weight control calories always matter.

You don't have to count calories every day for the rest of your life. Eventually you can estimate calories based on experience and learn to eyeball portion sizes. But when you're first trying to get into the rhythm of tracking your intake, count your calories. Feeling down in the dumps? Count your calories anyway. Feel like celebrating a certain event? Continue to count your calories. Tried to be accountable for a few days and then fell off the wagon? Get back on and count your calories. Going through a stressful time, and feel like food can remedy it? Keep counting your calories.

Calorie tracking has to be hardcore for the initial period of establishing your average daily intake, say for a solid week or so, and then should go on most days for the next month or better. It's the only way you can get a grasp on what you're consuming and to hammer and forge those good eating habits. With time, you'll be able to estimate calories by sizing up portions; but in the short term get serious about tracking that intake and its caloric value.

Calorie counting will hold you accountable for your intake, and reveal in no uncertain terms your eating and drinking patterns. This will make weight loss and bodyweight maintenance easier to control and more successful. Try it, you'll see!

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Fewer Side Effects With New Weight Loss Drug

A new weight loss drug called HistaleanTM based on betahistine is believed to quell the cravings for fatty foods, and may have pronounced beneficial effects among women in particular.

The drug is developed by Dr. Nir Barak at the Tel Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine in conjunction with Obecure drug company. Betahistine is an approved drug for the treatment of vertigo and marketed worldwide for over thirty years.

Betahistine blocks the H1 and H3 receptors in the brain, receptors connected to the sense of fullness and craving for fatty products. This drug is safe and used for the treatment of over 100 million people who suffer from dizziness or vertigo.

A clinical trial conducted in the U.S. showed that women who took Histalean for three months managed to lose seven times the weight of women who were following a placebo treatment.

Some drugs on the market usually have serious side effects. Although they may help someone lose weight, the result may also bring depression or even suicide, according to Dr. Barak.

The results are based on a study that involved overweight people across the U.S. during a twelve week treatment period. The group of women who followed a treatment with high doses of Histalean lost almost three percent of their weight while women in the placebo group lost only 0,4 percent.

The new drug may be used with anti-psychotic drugs which lead to extreme weight gain for mental health patients. Always talk to a specialist before taking any weight loss pill.

(c) Project Weight Loss 2009. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Acai Berry Research - The Weight Loss Pill

Acai berry branded as super food may not have enough researches to prove the concept, because there are no particular studies to show that the acai berry is actually helpful in burning the excess fat, giving you an excellent physique. Yet some experiments were conducted in past which proves that at least, this small berry originally found in Brazil has some antioxidant properties.

As per the experts and scientists, some experiments conducted in vitro, that is in a test-tube, proved the presence of large number of antioxidants in the berry. However, the nutritionists know nothing regarding its weight loss effect. Moreover, the scientist says that it is not only the property of acai berry, in fact all other types of berries too have higher antioxidant effect.

Again, the researches conducted in vitro which is quite different from the human body and having different functioning, is difficult to co-relate.

Meanwhile another set of research conducted on acai berry juices as compared to other berry or fruit juices available readily in market, concluded that acai juice has lesser antioxidants.

Although there are no researches supporting the weight loss claims of the acai fruit and its various forms yet, since many years the berry has been successful in eliminating various other diseases. In combination of other ingredients various companies are promoting the berry as weight loss pill, because the higher fiber content in the berry makes you feel quite fuller and in turn, you eat less resulting in weight loss. Similarly, the fibers in the berry helps in keeping the system clean aiding faster digestion, thereby increasing the overall metabolism of the body. That is the reason why the demand for acai berry is increasing day by day even in the absence of suitable researches proving the weight loss effect of this berry.

Food Nutrition and Weight Loss

Food nutrition and weight loss go hand in hand. It is vital that the food you eat is high in nutrition and aimed at helping you lose weight. Finding the right nutritious food is not always easy. Food is complicated and it can be very easy to find yourself wondering over to the closest fast food joint. The first step in understanding what foods you should be eating to help you lose weight is to simply understand food. Food is made up of many elements including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, mineral salts and fibre. The energy, calories, in food is comprised of different amounts of these basic things.

To lose weight you have to eat the right amount of the right food to match your daily lifestyle and your intended weight loss goals. Having the right nutrition can greatly increase your chances of losing weight and keeping it off.

The more activity in your daily life the more carbohydrates and proteins you need to prevent muscle loss. Carbohydrates would include pasta, rice, cereal and breads. Proteins would be meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Consuming too much of these, especially with no exercise, will however lead to weight gain. Vitamins are found in vegetables and fruits. Eating these two food groups is absolutely essential to food nutrition and weight loss. Vitamins A, B, C,D & E all serve different purposes in your body.

Dairy and fats are also important to a nutritious diet. Milk yoghurt and cheese are rich sources of calcium and help strengthen your bones. Fats are important but only in very small quantities. To lose weight you have to pick the right foods with the right nutritional properties. In fact there are special foods you can find that are 100% natural and greatly enhance your weight loss.

This is a basic overview on food nutrition and weight loss. The secret is to pick the right foods with the right nutritional values. There are a number of nutrition guides that can help you in this aspect by showing you exactly what foods and meals help you lose weight. They can be very affordable and well worth the money.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Is Green Tea Extract Effective for Weight Loss?

Diet pills have become a lucrative industry in the world today. This is because people are finding and using every means to lose the weight they have. Often times, people want to find the easiest and fastest way out of their weight problem. From Ephedrine to Guarana to Bitter Orange Peel, Americans have tried virtually every herbal ingredient out there to help them lose weight, often with dire effects. Today, many people have turned to using green tea extract for weight loss.

The newest craze

Green tea extract for weight loss is probably the newest craze to hit diet-fans out there. Ever since the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition released a study on the effects of green tea extract on weight loss, many companies have begun making their own green tea supplement in the form of pills, patches, and even drinks. However, how effective are these extracts and supplements compared to the real deal?

Understanding green tea

Before taking a closer look at these supplements, it is best to understand what green tea does for weight loss. According to scientists, green tea contains valuable nutrients that:

Help boost metabolism

Help decrease appetite

Increase fat absorption

Lower blood sugar levels

Decrease cancer risks

Talk about a miracle product, right? This is due to the fact that green tea contains caffeine and anti-oxidants that help in weight loss and other benefits.

The truth about supplements

Most green tea supplements contain just green tea extract for weight loss, mixed with other ingredients. These supplements are not purely green tea. This is something that consumers should be careful.

In buying these supplements, you have to fully understand and know the ingredients. Do not be fooled just by seeing green tea extracts in the ingredients, but you have to know each and every ingredient that makes up that supplement. You never know, maybe one of those ingredients carries a harmful side effect that you should be aware of.

It is always best to consult with your doctor before buying of a green tea extract for weight loss.

Fast Weight Loss Tips - 5 Weird Ways to Lose Weight Fast

If you want to lose weight fast, you have to be dedicated to the goal. Of course, there are a few fast weight loss tips that can make shedding those pounds a little easier. Read on to learn about 5 rather uncommon ways to lose weight fast.

Tip #1: Drink More water

Ice water has been rumored to burn calories, but that's not the only reason to drink more water. Your body needs the right amount of hydration to burn fat efficiently. You should try and drink 8 - 10 8oz glasses of water a day or more if you are active and sweating.

Tip #2: Eat Smaller Meals

We tend to consume more food than we really need at mealtime. For a quick way to cut calories without strict dieting, try serving yourself half portions and no seconds. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signal that it's full, so overeating is very easy to do. Chewing your food more thoroughly can also help you feel fuller and satisfied with smaller portions.

Tip #3: Add Negative Calorie Foods to Your Diet

Did you know that there are some foods that actually burn more calories to digest than they contain? Fruits and veggies like celery, lettuce, grapefruit, and strawberries are on the list of "negative calorie foods" as well as many more. While you can't expect to live off of these items, they can make for a great guilt free snack.

Tip #4: Take the Stairs

...Or walk to the store instead of driving. Getting active is a great way to kickstart your metabolism in to high gear. When you are active, your body burns calories more quickly but the effect is lasting. Routine exercise, even if it's just simple things can encourage your metabolism to increase even when you are at rest.

Tip #5: Get Enough Sleep

As unusual as it sounds, there was a recent study that showed a connection between weight problems and sleep. Those who did not get adequate rest (as well as those who overslept) were at higher risk for being overweight. Besides, if you want your body to run in optimal condition you need to provide it with 8 hours a night of quality sleep.